
圣安东尼奥学院's Mission is to empower our community for success by meeting the postsecondary learning needs of a diverse and globally-networked society. 帮助学生充分发挥潜能,为毕业做准备, transfer, 或者带着有效的批判性思维技能进入职场, 沟通能力, 领导能力, 个人和公民责任, 经验和定量理解, 性能水平, 在团队中有效工作的能力.



我们知道生活可以是忙碌的兼顾家庭,工作和学校.  Online learning ensures students reach their academic goals while remaining connected to their personal and professional lives.  圣安东尼奥学院为在线学习提供多种虚拟资源.


在线学位课程 动态课程搜索





     支付学费 Tutoring      在线学习的技术支持 




在注册在线课程或攻读在线课程之前, 学生应该与学术顾问见面.   






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Visit the 欢迎中心 website 



查看在线课程的可用性  View the 十大网赌正规网址官网在线课程 查看在线课程列表. 远程课程也列在 SAC课程目录 包括所有校内课程.
申请入学  Students should first enroll at 圣安东尼奥学院 (SAC) to register for courses.  遵循注册程序 Admissions & Aid. 
注册课程 完成注册程序后,您可以通过以下方式注册课程 ACES.
课程教学大纲 从2013年秋季至今的教学大纲可通过 网上教学大纲,十大网赌正规网址官网区教学大纲交付系统. Visit the 课程教学大纲 浏览更多信息.
学生手册和可接受使用政策  远程学习手册 | 学生手册

培训班  Free technology training workshops are conducted each month for students needing assistance. The workshops are designed to familiarize students with the requisite skills to become a successful online learner. Access the 学生大型实验室 了解更多信息.
Canvas   Canvas is a learning management system that enables faculty to manage and deliver online courses to students. Canvas is accessed through ACES by clicking on the MY COURSES tab and then on the course link.  有关更多信息,请参阅 Canvas学生快速指南 或浏览我们的 基础设施/画布 page.
图书馆服务 The 圣安东尼奥学院图书馆 提供现场和在线资源.  有关详细信息,请选择 远程学习 图书馆网站内的连结.
测试/监督 在大多数情况下, testing options are left up to the discretion of the course instructor and therefore your course may require on-site or proctored testing. 

教科书可亲自或在线在 学校书店. 以教育折扣购买最新的电脑设备, 或者技术维修和服务, stop by the 爱思科技商店穆迪学习中心207. 

Get Involved

At 圣安东尼奥学院 we offer students many opportunities to get involved: Clubs and Organizations | College Radio: KSYM 90.1 FM 



Online  - 100%通过互联网授课的课程  

杂交/混合  -面对面(坐式)课程结合要求的在线作业/任务. 面对面的会议时间将由各部门决定. Students who register for a hybrid or a blended course must have access to the Internet and be able to complete assigned course activities online in addition to meeting on scheduled class days.  


Web-Enhanced - Course is delivered face-to-face with a requirement that students have Internet access as a way to complete assigned tasks online.

交互式视频会议(IVC) - 圣安东尼奥学院 uses high quality interactive video and audio conferencing systems to connect to remote classrooms.  Instructors and students interact in a live video conference at scheduled times and locations.  Students will use push-to-talk microphones to communicate with participants at the remote sites. 


Students in online courses communicate with their instructor and classmates electronically via a course website. The instructor posts lectures, assignments, quizzes, announcements, lecture notes to the site. The class may respond with questions comments in discussion forums or upload assignments or quizzes.


Online courses are designed for students who desire flexibility and convenience in their studies. All online courses are fully accredited and are considered equivalent to on-campus courses. Anyone who is eligible to take an on-campus course can enroll in an online course. 查看课程安排.


你必须能够浏览互联网,知道如何下载文件, attach files, 发送电子邮件,使用文字处理器等软件. 如果你觉得你可能需要更多的经验,请访问 学生MegaLab 到MLC 502寻求协助和讲习班.

  • 经常上网和使用电脑.
  • 最新版本的网络浏览器,如Firefox或Microsoft Explorer.
  • 电子邮件地址
  • 当前的文字处理软件(如果教师要求)
  • 基本的计算机技能

这是由课程讲师决定的. 有些教师有校内会议,有些则没有. 请咨询指导老师. 


Canvas是一个基于互联网的学习管理系统,支持电子学习. 十大网赌正规网址官网区 currently uses Canvas to fully deliver some courses and as a supplemental delivery tool for other courses. Canvas是通过ACES中的“我的课程”选项卡访问的. 我们的大多数教师使用Canvas与他们的学生交流. Please consult with your instructor about the tool they are using to deliver the course. Visit our 基础设施/画布 浏览更多信息.

我家里没有电脑. 我还能参加在线课程吗?

可以,只要你有一台能上网的电脑. 一些学生在工作或上学的地方使用电脑. 


这取决于老师. Some instructors require students to be online at a particular time to take quizzes or to participate in lecture or chat sessions. 详情请咨询指导老师.


If for some reason you cannot access your course then email or 联系你的教练. 对于技术问题,您也可以十大网赌正规网址官网的帮助台,电话:(210)485-0555.


Instructors will describe policies on evaluation and assignment of grades for each class in the course syllabus. 有关课程程序的具体问题, 评分量表, 课程要求, 联系你的教练.


这取决于老师. If the course requires a textbook, you must purchase the textbook before the course starts. 课本费用不包括在学杂费中. 十大网赌正规网址官网学校的书店购买教科书. 关于教科书的信息包含在教学大纲中. 


学生和老师都有资格获得免费的副本 Office 365 Education, 其中包括Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, 现在是微软团队, 加上额外的课堂工具. 注册并下载免费副本: products.office.com/en-us/student/office-in-education 

十大网赌正规网址官网区学术软件购买网站(http://alamo.onthehub.com) provides deep discounts on other popular software titles like Adobe Creative Cloud.

我还有更多问题. 我可以和谁通话?

Ask our 在线咨询 或十大网赌正规网址官网的大学远程教育办公室sac-it@alamo.Edu或电话210-486-0030. 远程教育办公室从早上8点开始办公.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST周一至周五. 我们是来帮助你的.